Alternative Picks Write Up
Alternative Picks made a blurb about my Award win with ‘Raging Mother ‘ series in Applied Arts 2020 Awards.

Applied Arts Award Winner
Just found out that my ‘Raging Mother‘ series won in the Unpublished/Personal category in Applied Arts 2020 Awards.

Creative Quarterly Award Exhibit Friday 3/13/2020- Postponed to 5/1/2020
The event was postponed to 5/1/2020 because of the Coronavirus same time same place.
Like I said previously, two of my images were selected in the top 25 in the Fine Art Category for Creative Quarterly’s Topp 100 book – 2019 and with that included in the said show.
Opening reception:
Friday March 13th 6-8PM at 69 Eldridge St on the Lower East Side.

Creative Quarterly top 100- 2019
Two of my images were selected for the book and exhibition by Creative Quarterly (CQ) top 100 in 2019, actually they were top 25 in the Fine Art category.
Graphis Journal #362 10 page spread
I was featured in Graphis Journal #362 with a 10 page spread, very honored thank you.
Projections Artist Talk Video
Here is the video from the presentation last week.

ProPhoto Daily Write up
Yesterday I got a write up in ProPhoto Daily by AI-PI regarding my upcoming Talk at La Caverna.

Projections-PhotoCloser Artist Talk/Presentation
On Wednesday January 29th I will be doing an Artist Talk/ Presentation of my three series Evidence (African Portraits), LESwalk (Street) and Raging Mother (Water/Ocean).
It will take place at La Caverna on 122 Rivington st 6:30-9:30 presented by Projections by Photo Closer. You are all invited, click on the link above.

Circle Quarterly Art Review #4 – Featured
I was just featured in the French Fine Art Magazine Circle with my ‘stiLife no. 1’ creation in the Fall issue 2019 on page 89.
Circle Art Review is part of Circle Foundation for the Arts

Graphis Nude 5- Shortlisted
My series (part of) ‘Agile’ has been shortlisted for the above reward.