Posts from the ‘Press’ Category
‘Kristofer Dan-Bergman Takes A Trip To The Wilderness’ by AltPick
Here is a blog by Alternative Pick
AltPick writes a blurb about my African Portraits
Today AltPick published a news item about my portraits from Africa.
Photo District News (PDN) Article about my Africa trip
PDN online just published an interview with me about my trip to Eastern Africa earlier this year. Here a link to my gallery with the portraits.
APA National write up
I was just featured in the APA National Newsletter about ‘inspiration‘.
‘ProPhotoDaily’ writes about ‘unObserved’ exhibit
The ProPhotoDaily Newsletter by David Schonauer (run by AI-AP) talks about my ‘unObserved‘ weekend in their May. 8th issue.
Graphis writes about the ‘unObserved’ opening
Today Graphis wrote up my event ‘unObserved‘ which opens this Friday May 9th from 6-10P.
APA National publishes and Interview with me
Artist Photographers of America (APA) publishes an Interview with me talking about my personal projects.
Alternative Picks write about my CQ35 award
AltPick blogs about my Creative Quarterly 35 award for my ‘Hopper‘ series.
‘unObserved’ write up
There just recently were a write up at ‘Spain Culture‘ about Cristina Colmena and the reading of her play ‘Happily Ever After‘ during the ‘unObserved‘ weekend this coming Fri thru Sun.
Photo District News writes about my ‘unObserved’ exhibit
Photo District News (PDN) writes about my upcoming show ‘unObserved’ (May 9th 6-9PM).